Since I’m an “Honorary” Aussie…. The Aussie Book Tag!

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening friends! How are you? I hope your week has been great so far. Today’s Wednesday again, and I’m going to talk books and…Australia.

I have to thank the lovely Lauren @ Wonderless Reviews for tagging me for this Aussie Book Tag. She’s one wonderful blogger, and if you don’t know her or her blog yet, I suggest you check it out right now. I promise you won’t regret it. In addition to being AMAZING, Lauren also is from wonderful Australia, which is miles and mileeeeeeeeees away from me, but I am honoured to have been nominated as an honorary aussie. I’d love to visit this place someday, but in the meantime, I guess I’ll…answer this tag?

Koala : A character you want to cuddle all day long

So in case I forgot to mention it here, I LOVE koalas. They are my favorites of ever, and I actually DREAM of cuddling one. Weird? No, but I mean, don’t you want to cuddle one as well?

cute koala

the-serpent-kingFor this answer I’d go with Travis from The Serpent King. That book BROKE ME, really, and Travis, this bookish nerd, I really think that he could use tons of hugs. My review’s coming this Friday on the blog!

Vegemite : A book you love that everyone else hates

So, since I’m not actually Australian, I never tried vegemite, but always wondered…how does it taste? I’m curious.

we were liarslooking for alaskaI’m going to cheat a bit here and give the same answers as Lauren, because…well, I felt the same way as her about these books. We were liars : a lot of people ended up being disappointed by this, maybe because they expected more from the story, or did see the plot twist coming. I expected nothing and didn’t see anything coming, not even my tears falling down my face.  Also, Looking for Alaska is brilliant, but I’m talking about this book enough.

Socceroos : Favorite Fictional Squad

cinder scarlet-post cress winter

I probably won’t stop talking about this series for a while, and…I apologize, truly, ahah. But is there anything more perfect than The Lunar Chronicles squad ? I can’t think of anyone else. They are all SO different, yet complete each other perfectly, and most importantly, the author managed to give them different but equally strong voices and places in the story.

Southern Cross : Most Recent 5 Star-Read

replicaIt’s not such a big surprise for anyone, except if you are new here, but I love everything Lauren Oliver writes. I’m a huge fan of her books, her writing style, her characters, everything. I was a bit scared about reading her latest release though, Replica. Told from a dual point of view, it’s a book you can turn around to read the story as you want, and this made me a bit nervous. Also, I was scared of too much repeats between the two parts, but what do you know… Lauren Oliver never fails me. Might be a bit biaised here, but yeah, it was a 5-stars for me.

Patriotism : Favorite Book By An Author From Your Country

le-petit-princeIt is a bit hard for me to think about books with French authors, recent proof of this is my article for my #SFATW feature, which took me like HOURS to even think of. I feel a bit ashamed of it to be honest, ahah. But if I had to choose one book, I think I might go with The Little Prince again, because it’s poetic, it’s beautiful, and definitely worth reading.

Echinda : A book you like to look at, but it physically hurts to read

the sky is everywhere coverMaybe it’s not the most stunning cover in the entire bookish world, but I really like how simple it is, and…well I just decided to focus on the PHYSICAL HURT part of this question. So obviously I need to talk about Jandy Nelson and The Sky is Everywhere. I read that book with a lump in my throat the whole time. It was this good. I love books that make me FEEL EVERYTHING like this.

Ned Kelly : A Book That is really grim, but an iconic must-read

the hunger gamesOkay, it’s a classic now, but I really think it can be mentionned here, and it would be….The Hunger Games. I mean, clearly whenever I think about it now, I wonder just why I read such a dark book. It’s crazy when you think about it, but, really, it is so eye-opening on so many levels on our own society. I could do a whole essay on this.

Great Barrier Reef : A book that had you gaping in awe

more than thisFor that one I think I have to go with my first Patrick Ness book, More than This. Because there is SO MUCH MORE to this story than you first expect there to be (that was a bad word pun, sorry about that. or not). That book was brilliant and whenever I read it and finished reading it, I just stared into space thinking, WHAT WAS THIS. Go read it, in case you haven’t yet.

Pavlova : A light and fluffy book that you can’t help but love

hello-goodbye TruthAboutForever summer of chasing mermaids

I’m going to be very cliché here and talk about cute and fluffy contemporary stories? All the books I have read so far by Jennifer E. Smith, Sarah Dessen and Sarah Ockler never fail at making me smile. Also, I’m a huge marshmallow, so…

Milo : A genre/author you reach for to get you out of a reading slump

mara dyer 1Hm I would have to say contemporary because it’s my favorite genre, but lately with all the amazing fantasy books I have discovered… I don’t even know anymore, my TBR is going CRAZY and I just want to read ALL the books. Also, I don’t even have time – or I feel like I need to read everything before I re-read things, but … okay, to really answer the question here, I want to say The Mara Dyer series, because it’s just THIS GOOD. And it’s a mix of contemporary and fantasy and overall just CRAZINESS.

If you’re inspired to do this, please do, I am tagging you! I’d love to read your answers.

Also, I’d love to know : is there a book that had you gaping in awe? I’m ALWAYS looking forward to these kind of reads, so… Let me know in comments! 💬

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Book blogger, travel blogger, writer. 📚 |🌍 | 💞 Writing & Communications Graduate. French. Living on love, wanderlust and ya books.

43 thoughts on “Since I’m an “Honorary” Aussie…. The Aussie Book Tag!

    1. Ohh thank you! Haha it’s okay, it happens to me as well. I heard TONS of great things about The Night Circus, and I added it to my TBR because of it, but haven’t had the chance and time to read it yet. I’m so glad you loved it so much! I heard the world is so, SO good. I can’t wait to get into it 🙂 Thank you! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Oh these are all amazing picks Marie. I definitely agree with you on We Were Liars, I wasn’t aware that was one with some mixed reviews (like Vegemite) but it was one I absolutely loved, I definitely was not disappointed by that ended! 😀
    The Lunar Chronicles are my favourite fictional squad as well. I love all the characters so so much! Also More Than This had me gaping as well mostly because I was struggling to guess what was happening but I was so invested with the story I just couldn’t put it down.
    Great answers for this tag! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh thank you so, so much Beth! 🙂 I was so invested in More Than This as well, it was crazy. I often read it during my lunch break, and I remember just having to stop to see if I wasn’t going to be late back at work, but… it definitely took me a minute or two to realize the world and people were still moving around me, hahaha. 😀 Thank you!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’ve done that a time or two, started reading in my lunch break, haven’t noticed the time and nearly ended up being late back. It’s the sign of a really good book though isn’t it? And we’ll probably both end up doing it again at some point too! 🙂

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  2. Aww, Marie you’re the sweetest ♥

    I really need to read The Serpent King and More Than This! I’m really glad to see you enjoyed Replica too 😀

    It’s kinda hard to describe what Vegemite tastes like? It’s really savoury and salty. A lot of people don’t like it because it can be very strong. People make the mistake of using it like Peanut Butter or Nutella though which is so wrong, haha. You’re just supposed to use the smallest bit on toast with butter. Unless you’re like me and can eat it straight out the jar 😂😂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Loved The Hunger Games!! I also really liked We Were Liars, but I know there were definitely mixed opinions about it. I’m also glad to see that you enjoyed Replica! I have it on my TBR, but I don’t have a copy yet! Also, I would love to hug a koala…

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh, I want to cuddle koalas ❤ My sister-in-law is actually working at the zoo as a caretaker for, among other animals, koalas! So technically she gets to cuddle koalas every day and yes, I'm a little jealous 😉
    And The Lunar Chronicles crew is definitely one of my all-time favorite crews out there too! I love them so much.
    I think the last book that had me gaping in awe was Crooked Kingdom. One of the best duologies out there I think 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Completely agree about Travis!!! Looking forward to your review! I felt exactly the same about we were liars- that book broke my heart- and I didn’t see the plot twist coming because I thought the request was much earlier something else (can’t remember what now) great post!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hahaha, I’m also so curious about vegemite, we hear so much about it! I forgot to ask my Aussie friends to bring some back the last time they were here 😦 We need to plan a trip there and try all the food and go cuddle the koalas! I have only watched the movies and never read The Hunger Games. I had not gotten my reading mojo back when the first movie was released so now I don’t feel like reading about something I already know and characters that have Hollywood faces! xD

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    1. OH YES, the sweechie dream trip haha, that’d be awesome.
      Oh I completely understand this. I don’t like when it happens, but if I read the book after seeing the movie, I feel like it spoils the story a little bit. I’m imagining the characters as these actors, and the scenes and decors as they were in the movie, and…well, it ruins a bit my imagination :/

      Liked by 1 person

  7. This tag is so cool :). I might do it myself. Vegemite is very salty and strong tasting (but delicious. I’m a new zealander and obliged to say so). Replica sounds great, and I am so with you on hugging Travis, and I love the odd fluffy contemporary myself. I’m not sure, I think a lot of books leave me awestruck, because writers are amazing in general. In specific, though, anything Laini Taylor, and A World Without You by Beth Revis.

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  8. I really want to cuddle a Koala as well, but I heard they carry Chlamydia aha sorry weird fact of the day!
    I have to agree with your choice of We Were Liars as well, I never expected the plot twist and really enjoyed it!

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  9. Haha, yes Lauren is such an amazing and inspiring blogger! I love how you’re considered an honorary Aussie. 😀
    I had to look up Vegemite the first time I saw this tag and was so confused by it. I don’t think I’ll ever taste it, but I’m glad some people like it. x)
    The only book by Ness I’ve read is A Monster Calls, but I now need more!! More Than This sounds like an excellent follow-up.


  10. Haha I love the tag! And koalas are even MORE adorable in real life, I can tell you that (*WINK WINK*) Always and forever longing for the awesome Rampion squad because they are the best to love and long for! ALSO, I UNDERSTAND THE FEELS OF THE SKY IS EVERYWHERE, I love that book but my heart and soul are battered. As for your question on vegemite… it is SO hard to answer because the taste is ever so odd but it is EXTREMELY salty (and I love it!).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. AHH you are making me a tiny bit jealous now, I’m dreaming to see koalas in real life haha, hopefully someday ❤
      and well, I hope to try vegemite at some point as well, I'm curious ahah. Thank you my forever crazy, and you should do this tag, if you haven't already, it'd perfectly fit you :p


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