A rant on blogging and time

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening friends. How are you? I hope your week is going great so far. This is another Wednesday where I’m back to discuss about blogging, ups and downs and overall craziness, so without further ado, let’s get started with a subject I have particularily in mind these days.

blogging ways

Almost all the bloggers I have come to know in these almost two years of blogging aren’t full-time bloggers. Strike that. ALL the bloggers I know aren’t full-time bloggers. Between school, homework, socializing -because yes, sometimes we do socialize with other things than our bookshelves, even if, if you ask me, it remains my favorite -, or work and life commitments, blogging is hard, at times. And it’s time-consuming.  But at the same time, we all want our little corner of the internet to LIVE. Like a little animal, we want to take care of it, to nurture him with positive content reflecting our personality, what we want our blog to be, and most of it all, to have some kind of blogging schedule, or simply a blogging goal. Every person is different, and every person wants to do something special. Made this place their own. Make money from this. Read and share books they love. Fangirl about books all day. Sure. But, in order to pursue that goal, we all need time. And a plan, for the most scheduling kind of people.


Whatever our goal is, correct me if I’m wrong, but I think we all want this : our blog to LIVE. This is why whenever we’re going on hiatus, we’re kind of crazy. This is why, whenever we lack time to blog, we feel a bit weird. I surely do. But when life, and not a “planned” hiatus, as we could call it, made of holidays, moving, or something we kind of could see coming and had time to warn and plan ahead, gets in the way, well… what do we do?


Because there’s the pressure of producting content. Content attracts people, and content makes the blog LIVE, we can’t deny that. But do we really need to produce content every single day, in order to make our blog live? Or is it okay to settle on one or two posts a week, and will our blog, will our lives still be okay if we slowly give up on some things, some major features? This question tortured me for a while, after I decided to give up on Top Ten Tuesdays. This feature brought a LOT of people to my blog, sure. I can’t deny my blog lived and felt most alive than any other day in the week thanks to that. But Top Ten Tuesdays were also SO time consuming. It took me hours to find books, and to prepare blog posts. And these days, where I can’t allow myself to spend hours writing blog posts every day like I could before, I had to say stop. I had to focus on new, and old things I didn’t want to give up. I had to make choices, and I had to decide myself what would make my blog live.

As bloggers, or at least if you’re a bit obsessed like I am, we think no-sleep-gifabout what we should do, ALL THE TIME. And we obviously think about how we lack the time to do it all. Comment and discover all the wonderful bloggers out there. Schedule and write all the blog posts. Despite having – or not having a schedule -, going crazy over how little time there is to do it all without losing sleep, or our minds.

So, today, I am mostly seeking YOUR advice, and YOUR thoughts on the subject.

How do you handle blogging and life? Did you already find the perfect amount of blog posts per week, or not?

Do you have days dedicated exclusively to blog hopping, and others to writing or scheduling blog posts?

Advice, and thoughts on the subject are always the most welcome, so let’s chat in comments! 💬


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Book blogger, travel blogger, writer. 📚 |🌍 | 💞 Writing & Communications Graduate. French. Living on love, wanderlust and ya books.

112 thoughts on “A rant on blogging and time

  1. So true! I also gave up on Top Ten Tuesday because it was taking up a lot of time for me but yeah people flooded on my blog those days. You have to sacrifice some in order to retain some sanity because as you said we aren’t full-time bloggers. I create a schedule at the beginning of every month, it helps in remembering all the blog tours or the reviews to be posted by the release date or so. A lot of things has been easier since I started creating this lists for myself.
    Loved this post!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Haha that’s exactly it, sometimes we just need to take a step back with some features otherwise we’d lose our minds haha. It’s so great you are doing lists like that! I do try to do it, too, but well… it’s hard sometimes when things are piling up ahah.
      Thank you SO much! ❤

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Yeah true. We need to step back and take a deep breathe when that’s happening and make ourselves remember we are actually doing this for fun!

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  2. First, I don’t think there is a single perfect plan or schedule…so much depends on your own lifestyle/work or other commitments. Second, a lot of it is emotional, I feel – we decide based on our emotional views of these things how we want to blog. (For example, if we get a rush of feeling great when the stats page is way up.)

    Life is important. Real life. (Did I just say that? Me, who’s autistic and NEEDS to hide in my house for a good portion of my week to keep my sanity?) But it is, really. So don’t feel bad if you have to focus on it more than your online life sometimes.

    But, I totally get what you’re saying about how the online stuff does involve other real people, and so there has to be a way to give attention to them, too. They support your blog, your baby, and it’s just not nice not to thank them for that.

    For me, with things I didn’t quite anticipate coming up and changing some of my current life, I’ve decided the way to strike a good balance is to schedule posting days/reading days, and stick to that until it doesn’t work anymore. I just took a few days off because of time and family concerns and the need to focus on non-blog writing. At first, I felt like, “Oh my gosh, what am I doing?!?!”, but it was necessary.

    Hope all of this helps. 🙂

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    1. First of all, thank you so, so much for sharing your thoughts about this, and for all of your advice, I really appreciate it ❤
      You're so right, I guess I need to make time for real life, as bothering as this can be at times, ahah, and try to stick to a good schedule where I can easily balance between reading, blogging and also, taking some time to myself, to relax before anything (something I am having a hard time doing ahah). I guess we also just need to find time to thank all the people we are interacting with, like right now, for your lovely advice and the time you took to write your thoughts ❤ Honestly I think that's even more important than posting, sharing some love and being part of the community 🙂
      Thank you ❤

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  3. Marie, I swear you read my mind sometimes. I have been stressing about exactly this lately!

    I am currently toying with the decision of only posting twice a week. Before, I was trying for three times. What I felt was starting to happen is that the quality of my posts was slipping. I was often more concerned with just posting someTHING than what the thing actually was. But having a blog that to be totally honest, not that many people visit anyway, that decision feels scary.

    The trouble is, because of the whole being a grown up with a job (although admittedly, not a grown up job), time just vanishes! As much as I love blogging, I don’t want to spend all of my spare time on it. When I’m not blogging, I’m writing articles for magazines and websites to reject (lol). I often feel that that other writing gets lost, because I prioritise the blog. But the blog is the only thing I have right now that makes me feel like I am even slightly doing the thing I always wanted to do with my life. It’s hard to know what to do.

    The other big concern I have is what a shitty blog reader I am. In weeks where I don’t have time the first thing to go is the time I always used to dedicate to reading other people’s writing. I always worry people think I don’t care. It’s not that at all! It’s just that for whatever reason, life has gotten on top of me again.

    Thank you for talking about this stuff. I love how honest you are about what you’re struggling with 🙂

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    1. Sometimes, I feel like we are the same person, just apart from one sea, ahah. I completely get it. I used to post four times a week, and I’m down to three, and I might even at some point get back at two. I feel like I NEED to post something, but at the same time I want to post something I love and believe in, and not… post just for the sake of it.
      And about writing… I feel the same way. I used to have a lot more time on my hands, and I could spend it blogging, and writing something different than blog posts. Now, whenever I have free time I’m dedicating it to my blog because I need to plan blog posts and stuff, and it never ends haha. I guess it is hard to know what to do, and what we want to do, with only 24 hours per day.
      Thank YOU for always sharing your thoughts with me about these kind of struggles as well. I’m glad to find that you’re feeling the same way ❤


      1. Seriously!

        Ugh, being a grown up is hard. When I was a kid and all the adults around me would just talk about time and how they never had any of it, I always thought they were so weird. Like, if they prioritised better they would have as much time for playing Barbie as I did, haha. Now I’m here and it feels like someone secretly shortened the days without telling me, because I’m sure they used to be longer than they are now.


  4. I’m technically a full time blogger? I guess. I don’t get paid or anything, but I mean I’m waiting for my results, so I’m free as heck for the last few months. Next month though… *shudders*
    I currently do four posts a week, which is a bit crazy and I’m planning to cut it down, but I’m not sure which one to cut. I’m also wondering if I should go on a hiatus for next month’s NaNoWriMo too. Plus my results are out next month, and I’m expecting to do amendments for that one. But I keep thinking, but my blog NEEDS me… I can’t leave it alone for ONE WHOLE MONTH!!
    I tend to blog hop on Tuesday and weekends, or whenever I’m feeling somewhat “talkative”. I don’t think it’s enough though and hope to increase it and find more blogs to follow at the same time. As for writing posts, I just write whenever I have some time, usually at night. Afternoons are too hot right now.

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    1. Oh I get the feeling. I felt the same way when I left this summer, then came back, only to leave again a bit. I felt like I couldn’t leave my blog alone, and in the end I was really glad to be back, but also realized I needed the time off. It made me realize how much I love it, such, but it also made me come back with a brand new interest, new ideas and most of it all, it helped me NOT get burnt out by the rhythm of blogging all the time. I hope you will feel the same way, and best of luck for NaNoWriMo ❤
      There are SO many blogs to follow and to comment on, it's hard to keep up and I don't even feel like I am doing half of what I could be doing. But it takes so much time as well… 😦
      Thank you so, so much for sharing your thoughts about this! ❤

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      1. I do want to try taking a break, just to feel rested and motivated again. Maybe at least for a week. Thanks! I’ll definitely try my best for nanowrimo!
        There is! So many good ones too. Sometimes I read the posts and don’t know what to comment and I just leave a like, which makes me feel bad 😦

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  5. Great post one which I will love to see every-one else’s advice too. I really struggle with time and being organised, as you say between work and university I really don’t have much time. I had to stop posting like everyday to trying to do 2 maybe 3 times a week, I’m currently trying to schedule posts as often as I can too. I usually try to punch out a bunch of posts on word in a row but my limited time at the minute is making me think I’m not pouring the effort and writing as much as I would want to in them.
    I think some people might be really good organiser’s and be able to free up an hour here or there but my reading for my final year is crazy to the point I feel like i’m drowning in that alone so the way I handle it now is whenever I have any time just try do something. I feel so guilty lately that i’m not posting, not viewing people’s blogs as much, it’s very stressful at the minute!

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    1. Oh thank you so, so much, I’m so glad you enjoyed it. And it’s great to see other people’s advice as well, I agree, I hope you’ll read others’ comments and that it will make you feel better ❤
      I understand that drowning feeling, I mostly feel it about keeping up with my blogging schedule. I guess there are times where we can't help but feeling this way, and it just shows how much we care about our little blog 🙂 And well, I guess we'll have to wait for the crazy to settle down a bit until we can get back to a normal schedule 🙂
      Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on this ❤

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      1. I think an important thing to remember is to take some relaxing time because when you are getting super stressed about your blog then its time to remember hey this is fun! I definitely need to remind myself of that and to remind myself not too be so hard on myself for missing posts 🙂

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  6. I don’t handle blogging pretty well. My blog posts are limited to book reviews, recaps and some book tags. I’m just not really good at it and with adult life coming in my way, it’s kind of hard to find time to blog. And when I do, words are struggling to come out. Struggle is bloody real!! I have a lot of blog posts in mind though. I really hope one day I’ll be able to post them. Haha 😀 And BTW, it’s a very great post 😉 xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh I understand the feeling. It’s so hard to be an adult ahah, I wish I could blog all day at times. Well, you should keep a notepad at all times and try and find a new schedule if you have lots of ideas, but not enough time to do more posts? 🙂 I am sure you’ll be able to write all these fantastic posts someday soon 😀 Thank you so much! ❤

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  7. I’ve always been told that the most time-efficient way to blog is to write all your posts for the week in one go and schedule them so you don’t have to worry about posting for the whole week. I try writing on Saturdays, but sometimes I’m so busy I don’t even have time to think about blogging. Oh how I wish blogging was my full-time job! * sighs *

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  8. I post every day, sometimes twice a day. There are two reasons I’m able to do this – 1. I’m a speed demon when it comes to reading 2. I’m an insomniac.

    I would love to be able to cut down to where maybe I have a few days a week where I don’t post anything, but I’m (Aspergers) one of those people who can’t easily break from an established pattern/habit.

    I use a calendar, I schedule things as far in advance as possible. I have a few “whoops, I need something to put here” content posts in draft form, ready to throw up when I need them.

    And I’m always poking and prodding at the site in some fashion, trying to make it better.

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  9. I know what you mean with there never being enough time… every time I think I’m just going to write a “quick” blog post it feels like half my day or even a whole day just evaporates (maybe I am exaggerating but that’s what it feels like!). I only post once a week because I know if I tried to do more it would consume too much time, and also take time away from manuscript writing (I am trying to finish the 2nd draft of a novel at the moment) which is important to me too. So I guess that’s the only time management strategy I’ve got – limit it to once a week… pretty unhelpful really!

    As for reading other blogs, I can spend hours doing that too… I usually try to limit myself to doing one big catch up once a week and if it means I am reading things bit late oh well, I am still reading them! Though I often break that once a week rule… in fact, I’m breaking it right now by reading and commenting on your post 😀

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    1. This happens to me, too! I feel like we’re swallowed in another parallel universe where time moves WAY faster, whenever we’re blogging. I think something’s going to take me an hour or so, and it takes me a whole afternoon, it’s crazy.
      Ohh that’s good, well at least you are able to focus on what matters to you a lot. I hope the writing is going well! 🙂
      Haha, I get it, there are SO many blog posts to read, I spend HOURS doing that every day, it’s crazy… Haha, oh thank you for breaking the rule for me, I feel SO honoured ❤ Thank you SO much! ❤

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  10. Look at this perfect post! Look at those Gilmore Girls giiiiiiifs! 😍
    This post is right on time. I have been struggling with the exact same issues and wondering how to make things better. The cold hard truth is there is no right answer. But here’s a hug ❤
    Very recently I took the decision to cut back on my blogging. Or at least try :p My days are filled from 7am to 7pm, there is no way I can keep posting 4 or 5 times a week. I felt a little guilty, then panicked when fears of my blog slowly dying flooded my mind, but now I have made peace with the realization that even if I love my corner of the Internet to pieces, it can only be a part of my days, and my entire life can't revolve around it. I had tried to stick to a schedule for months and it hadn't work because I knew I had enough free time to break the rules and have crazy blogging sessions at midnight. Now that this kind of fun is over, I find that my new schedule takes away the pressure of being present 24/7. Saturdays are for blogging, I write reviews in the morning, then prepare my Suntags. I proofread and format everything on Sunday mornings. I then schedule posts and tweets. It's been two weeks and so far I love how relaxed I have become. If I can't get the inspiration for reviews, it's okay, I push it back to the next Saturday. Also, now blogging does really feel like a hobby that takes my mind off of work and life's crazy plots. I came back to the basics, I stopped looking at the stats, I don't want to make myself cry, haha! I do take some time off every day to comment on posts, even if I am aware I miss a lot of them. That's the hard part, I really want to comment more. But I tell myself a blogger won't mind if I'm a little late to the party. I hope so anyway.
    Loved your post Sweechie! ❤ I don't have advice because I have the feeling it has to come from you if you want it to work, whatever you plan to do. If you want to complain about our favorite time-consuming activity, I'm here 😀

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    1. Thank you so, SO much my sweechie, and you’re right, there is no right answer, I guess it’s up to everyone to figure out how to make things work. I think that it’s so great how relaxed you are now, please give me some of your chill, ahah ? I try to fit all of my blogging things on the weekends, but sometimes I can’t find the inspiration, or just don’t have time or other things planned taking me away from blogging a bit. Even for a couple hours ahah, and then I feel a bit guilty about it. I guess I need to work on that still, ahah. I also wish I didn’t take hours to do my blog posts haha, and that I’d actually have courage and enough time to write all the reviews I am late on. It feels like I am SO late on blogging every day, but I guess working needs to come before this. It’s so hard though.
      You’re NEVER too late to the party, sweechie, anywhere bloggers will be the happiest to have sunshine in their days and lives thanks to your comments 😀
      Thank you SO much for your advice and thoughts ❤ ❤

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      1. Oh my, it takes me hours to get a single post done 😂 it’s pathetic 😂 That’s why I do reviews in the morning, it takes all my energy to get two written! I can send you all the pretended chill I can muster, I don’t mind sharing with you 😀 No one told us there was so much guilt involved with blogging!

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      2. Oh I’m glad I’m not the only one, I take SO MUCH TIME I feel like I am procrastinating, but… I can’t do it faster I don’t know why 😂 😂 😂
        Ugh exactly. I guess this is just guilt we create ourselves, and hopefully we’ll find a way to get over it. Or maybe we won’t because we care too much about it all 😂


  11. I started blogging during my off time at uni so I am curious how my studies will affect my posting. I post abou three times a week. Sometimes that is write easy, sometimes, it isn’t. Depends on how much ideas I have and how much time. If I habe a lot of energy and time and ideas, I am all day on my Laptop and write posts. Without lists of Tags, reviews to do and stuff, I’d definitely be lost 😂

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      1. I honestly hope so too. At the moment I’m trying to create enough content to get through the first two weeks of uni. At least that’s the plan so I can start my studies in peace haha. How far ahead do you schedule your posts?

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      2. Haha, well best of luck! ❤ Well right now I'm only scheduling a week ahead, that's the most I can do haha. Before I went on holidays, I scheduled for two or three weeks straight though, and it kind of feels good to know your blog goes on and you don't have to stress too much about it all 🙂

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  12. Contrarily to yours, I feel like Top Ten Tuesdays are some of the easier posts I do for my blog, but I can understand that it’s different for others. I don’t put a ton of effort into them, because most people are going to comment “oh yeah i agree, here’s my TTT” in my experience, but it can be difficult to hunt things down for the themes.
    I’m not in school anymore, just working, and it’s definitely a struggle to keep up with everything. I manage it by reading when I can and writing when I can and then scheduling everything. I tweet whenever I’ve got free time, and blog hop when I feel like it.

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    1. Oh well every blogger is different, and Top Ten Tuesdays are fun posts to do, I guess I just felt like I was spending too much time on it and prefered to focus on other things. Every blogger is different after all 🙂
      I’m glad you get the struggle, it is hard to keep up with everything while working! But you’re right about doing it when you feel like it 🙂
      Thank you so much for stopping by! 🙂

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  13. Wonderful post, Marie! I’ve been talking about this lately with Donna and my buddy, Drew, and I’ve noticed that blogging has been so blah lately. I don’t know what it is but people seem to have stopped blogging or something. I can’t figure it out. One thing I noticed is that since I started posting more reviews people seem less interested. Tags, Bookish posts, and discussions seem to do much better than reviews, which is weird when you think about it because we’re running a book blog. Memes take up way too much time. I completely agree. That’s why I stopped doing them and I hardly ever comment on them because the posts start to become repetitive. I don’t understand everyone’s obsession with the same old boring memes and book tags. I have honestly lost interest in reading both. I usually only comment on memes and tags of people I talk to normally. I think you should post at your leisure. People who you’re friends with and talk to all the time won’t forget you if you post less, comment less, or go on hiatus. I’ve often wondered the same things, but I think people you’ve made an actual connection with will still be around when you come back and will understand if you post less because you’re busy with travel or a new job. I don’t know about you, but for me and a lot of other bloggers, stats are not the same as say last month and there’s a serious decline in blogging. I don’t know what’s changed other than people going back to school. I have no idea. If you post less, we’ll still be here. I’ve read so much lately I feel like my blog is almost all reviews. I’m working on new posts but all my reviews are taking away from that.

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    1. I agree with you, I feel like there’s something lately, but maybe it’s just this “back to school” season that makes things, bloggers and stats a little slow lately ? I’m not sure about it though. Maybe we’re not following the right people ahah. To be honest, since I’m only spending evenings now on my blog, I still find myself busy and overwhelmed with everything ahah.
      I get the feeling about memes. It gets a bit tiring after a while. When I saw all the Top Tens on my feed this Tuesday, I felt tired and, well, now I just read and comment on bloggers I am used to talk to the most, or know I’ll love, or really want to see if they might talk about books that interests me. You’re right. I think that’s what I try to remind myself of, that there’s this close group of people I found out thanks to blogging, and that they will be there for me even if I’m a bit acting like a sloth at times, and whenever I need to rant haha. ❤
      Oh the review problem, ahah; I have been reading a lot lately, but haven't had time to write all the reviews, so I am SOO swamped haha.
      Thank you so, so much for sharing your thoughts with me Jill ❤

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      1. I was thinking school had to do with it. A few people I’ve talked to said they’re just not feeling it lately because something is off. I was thinking about taking a break next week so I can work on finishing my book edits to send back to my editor and finding a new job since it’s been so blah. I also get overwhelmed and end up staying up way too late doing blog things. I always say I’m going to take a break though, and then I miss it and I’m back in two days. Haha! I can never stay away. 🙂 The people are too much fun to not talk to. Yup, we’re all here for rants and general complaints, and we totally get it if you’re busy and don’t have as much time. We all do if for fun and not a job. I think most people get that. 🙂

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  14. Gosh I love this post! Excessive headdesk is so accurate!! I wish I had found the perfect amount of blog posts a week. And I certainly haven’t figured out how to blog hop properly- I just alternate between blog hopping and writing posts and hope I somehow get the balance right! So not sure if I can help in anyway- only commiserate about how hard it is!!


  15. This is a great post Marie, and so so true as well. I try and work out how many posts I want to publish each week, it never normally works out that way and I don’t have a schedule, it’s just whenever I feel like it normally but I do have some that are on certain days no matter what, like TTT and WoW. I enjoy them and it’s something a little different as well. 🙂
    Time management is a major issue for me, mainly finding enough time in one day to read, (work if it’s a weekday), draft a post, reply to comments and check out other people’s posts as well. I really enjoy blogging don’t get me wrong but there are days when I just don’t have enough time to do everything I set out too!

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    1. Thank you so much, Beth! ❤ I'm so glad you're enjoying the TTT and WoW, and I always love reading those, because you make me discover new books and my TBR is acting like crazy because of you, ahah.
      It really takes a lot of time. I don't have time to check out other blogs, answer my comments and draft or think about blog posts on weekdays, because of work… so I am a bit swamped on the weekends haha. So I get the feeling of not being able to do everything you set yourself out to. It always annoys me though.

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      1. That’s all right Marie! ❤
        I imagine if I ever stop enjoying TTT and WoW I wouldn't post them anymore but I do really enjoy them each week, and I'm glad it's giving you books you want to read as well! 🙂
        I've got a system, I keep up with drafts and comments well enough but I feel like my reading is falling a little in the wayside at the moment. There's always something isn't there? And yeah working takes up so much time but we need money to buy books so…what else can you do?

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  16. When I discovered the scheduling feature on WordPress my life was changed! I schedule everything I post almost months in advance (except blog tour posts because I have a bad habit of finishing those books 1 week before my scheduled date) so when life gets in the way, I don’t have to worry about having live content.

    I make a conscious effort to not have more than 1 non-review post a week. Which means when I write the post, I probably won’t see it on my blog for at least a month or two. And some of my reviews I only publish on certain days (like standalone reviews on Sundays) so those get scheduled really far in advance too. A word document calendar has been a great tool in keeping it all straight.

    As for blog-hopping, I try to browse my Reader feed every night but I find I do most on the weekends while watching TV 🙂

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    1. MONTHS in advance? Wow, I am SO impressed haha, you’re crazy organized. It’s so great. I wish I could do that, but I guess I don’t have enough time to plan a month ahead, ahah. I agree, I try to have a blogging calendar as well…and I try not to panic when I’m a bit late on the schedule haha. thank you so much for your comment and advice ❤

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  17. I can attest to everything you’ve written. I might have been tempted to say “PREACH!” out loud in public 😅 but I have no advice. I struggle with the same things. I try to post 4-5 times a week and that’s a crazy amount of time needed. With work and life, sometimes that’s just not happening. Don’t stress about it, is unfortunately easier said than done …
    Great post!!!

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  18. Personally, I am a crazy person since I post 6/7 times a week, once a day. I haven’t heard of many people who post as much as I do because it really is crazy haha. But I’ve managed to pull of it for this entire year. I work on Fridays, Saturdays and sometimes even Sundays on my posts and schedule them all ahead of time. That way during the week I have time to interact with other blogger and comment on posts. I use the WordPress app a lot which makes it super easy to just lay in bed and rest while catching up on the posts people have shared in the day. However, my biggest problem is that I never feel like I’m sharing anything new or original. Because I do a lot of memes and tags, it’s much easier to schedule and post the way I want to but I definitely don’t get as much traffic as I want to. And yet, if I reduced the amount of tags for example, I don’t really have any ideas with what to substitute it with. But bottom line is the thing that helps me the most is organizing a schedule. Even if you’re not really sure about what you want to share, I think it’s important to have certain days where you share. Makes you more consistent and I feel like that’s attractive to readers. But I’m still learning and who knows how I’ll feel about it next year and what I’ll end up doing. Great discussion!

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    1. WOW. 7 times a week is a lot, it has to take you a lot of time to plan it all. I’m so impressed you’re pulling this off (and so well <3). It's so great you have this schedule and it's working for you. I really need to use the WordPress app more, it's actually a great idea, thanks for the tip ❤
      Tags are really easy posts to schedule, I agree, I guess I like to complicate my life hahaha. Thank you so, so much for all your advice and thoughts ❤

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      1. Honestly, like I said, there’s a lot of memes and tags, with two reviews a week and some of my features. And while I’m super proud to be able to put it off I still feel like I don’t have much original content which kind of sucks

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  19. *crowns Marie the Relatable Book Blogger Queen*
    YOU SO GET ME. YOU SO GET EVERY BLOGGER OMG. I’ve heard so many places that YOU MUST POST ALL THE TIME OR YOUR BLOG WILL DIE. Which is a slight problem for me because I have an education and a job AND I DO NOT HAVE TIME. Then I stumbled on some other wisdoms: 1. Quality is preferable to quantity and 2. Spend 20% of your blogging time creating posts and 80% promotion them and learning to make them better. So then I did a little double take. With my rush to publish posts, their quality had been steadily decreasing! And that was actually harming my stats more than it helped it. Not only that, I just didn’t feel good about my blog posts anymore. So I proclaimed to myself: BLOG POST ONCE A WEEK. IT WILL BE AWESOME AND AMAZING SO THERE.
    And then I realized I’d also forgot about promoting my blog and educating myself on the blogging ways. Now I put aside days to have so much fun commenting on other amazing posts (like this one!) and researching blogging tips. Ahh, what a lovey balance!
    P. S. Bonus points for the Gilmore girls gifs 😉

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    1. OMG BECCA, you are too sweet thank you I can’t accept this crown it’s too much ❤
      I so agree with you on this. At first I wanted to post almost all week long because…well, just because seeing my stats, I thought I was doing the right thing. But it is exhausting and takes way too many time, so I think I'd rather keep up with a couple or three posts a week and actually pour my heart out in these, like I did for this one.
      I think you found such a GREAT balance full of awesomeness. I so admire you ❤
      Thank you SO much Becca ❤ ❤ ❤

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  20. Wonderful discussion, Marie! 💕 As you know, I’m not as active in the blogosphere anymore and I post more inconsistently than I’m used to. I definitely feel like my blog trafficked has diminished. I thought that this would sadden me, but surprisingly it really doesn’t! (Now if you asked me this a year ago, my answer certainly would be the opposite.) Maybe my “honeymoon phase” with blogging has waned because it’s been over a year now, but just being able to publish content makes me really happy. And I’ve come to acknowledge that even if less people visit or interact with me via my blog. 🙃 (Also I find logging out of WP on my phone and computer, helps me focus and reconnect with the real world!)


    1. Thank you so, so much Summer, and reading this comment after reading your blog post makes so much sense to me, and it really helps me A LOT to put things into pespective, so thanks again for this wonderful post you wrote ❤ Thank you SO much for all of your tips and advice ❤

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  21. I feel this SO much! You’re so great at writing about relatable issues, Marie. 🙂

    I’m finding it especially hard to find as much time as I’d ordinarily dedicate to blogging since I’ve moved house. I used to live with my Mum and now I live on my own I have a lot more to do around the house (plus still working full time) and thus a lot less free time in the evenings. 😦

    I usually aim to publish between 1 and 2 posts a week, but I aim to start writing/edit/finish 2 or 3 a week. I usually have a few posts in my drafts waiting to be finished or polished up at any given time. That always makes me feel a bit better when I know I’m going to be short on time. I also try and schedule posts if I’m going away for the weekend or have lots of plans!

    I try not to stress about it but sometimes all you can do is wait a few days until you have some more time and more energy. Great post! 🙂 xx


    1. Oh thank you so, so much Sammie, you are so sweet, I’m really happy you enjoyed this and can relate to my struggles ❤ It's so great you are able to schedule like that, and I get it, free time comes and goes, I guess we all have to deal with it and make sure we still want to blog and still love it, not do it becase we "have" to, but have no energy left to do so. Thank you so much ❤ ❤

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      1. You are so welcome, Marie! 🙂 ❤ You always write such relatable posts, it's impossible not to identify with something you're saying. Absolutely! It's finding that balance between making time for it and not forcing yourself, which can be really hard when you're busy. Scheduling helps! Pleasure. 🙂 xx

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  22. Great post Marie! You always seem able to put into words what is going through my mind 😉
    I have a lot of issues with time and blogging as well and I’m still trying to figure everything out. I try to post 4-5 times a week because I also have it in the back of my mind that I need to post a lot to keep the blog live and to increase my stats. But it is seriously time-consuming, so I’m also thinking about toning it down a bit. I think about 3 quality posts a week should be plenty! And if it is a little less some weeks, then so be it. As long as it stays fun!
    Of course, the blog hopping and commenting is such a big part of it as well, maybe even more so than the actual blogging. And I try to make time for that (usually on Tuesdays and a little in the weekend if I have time), but I always feel like I don’t do enough.
    I try to squeeze in some blogging time whenever I have the chance – I use my lunch breaks at work to either read or blog and I take every spare minute I have to blog as well. I haven’t been keeping up with all my tv shows as well, but hey, reading and blogging is just as fun 😉

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    1. That’s exactly how it should be, fun. But even if we want to keep it tihis way, even with posting like three times a week, I sometimes feel overwhelmed with things I have and want to do every single night I get home from work. It’s so great that you manage to squeeze in your day some blogging as well, maybe I should do that 🙂
      Thankyou so much for sharing your thoughts! ❤ ❤


  23. I feel that “excessive headdesk” gif to my very soul.

    Before my Throne of Glass read-along thing (which went up every weekday for a few months), my post schedule was one review every other Saturday–a pace that seems agonizingly slow compared to most bloggers’. It gave me some anxiety at first, until I learned to stop making those comparisons. Now that I’m back from hiatus, I’m hoping to pick that leisurely schedule back up again, but cut back on the blog-hopping. It’s not feasible for me to try to read and comment on every post written by the blogs I follow, and I need to accept that. *Dies.*

    I hope you’ve found or soon find a schedule and system that balances your need for blog time and personal time!

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    1. Ugh I get it. It feels impossible to do as much blog hopping as I did before, and even if I try my best, it takes HOURS of my day and I guess it’s just crazy and I should cut back a bit as well. But I’m feeling a bit guilty abot it, ahah. I hope you’ll manage to pick up your schedule again! 🙂 Thank you so much ❤

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  24. Soooooo I have an ongoing battle with this?? Even after more than a year has passed since I started blogging, I still have not found the perfect balance! Theoretically it’s all planned in my head and I have a great idea on how to manage my blog, post on time, and also comment on other blogs. In practice it’s way more difficult seeing how I have to juggle so many things at once! I haven’t blogged in SO LONG it should be illegal. I swear I can’t even call myself a book blogger anymore! I keep taking unplanned hiatuses (which I have a love-hate relationship with at the moment) and it just makes things really difficult. I really love blogging though and I’m hoping to find a better way to incorporate it in my schedule! This was such an amazingly relatable discussion, Marie! ❤ ❤

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    1. Thank you so, so much Analee ❤ And I have missed you so much in the blogging community, but I do understand. It's SO hard to juggle between life, blogging, blog hopping and everything, it takes SO much time and commitment. I'm always trying to keep up with a schedule, but…yeah, blogging can be a bit stressful at times. I hope you'll manage to do it, even if you don't post a lot of times per weeks. I'm sure we'll all find the right balance someday, it HAS to exist, right?!

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  25. THIS. POST. Time is the most difficult thing for me to manage with my blog. I’m constantly wanting to write everything down and I’m so excited for what I’m going to write but the thing that stops me is TIME or rather the lack of it! School is killing me at the moment and I wasn’t able to read blog posts or write anything at ALL during the previous week and it just about had me going nuts. I just so badly wanted to write everything out but it’s either I have assignments, I have homework or something else and it kills ;( I’m seeing my reader explode with so many great posts and I just want to dig into them all and read to my hearts content but alas WHERE HAD TIME GONE?! I try to set myself time but something always happens and it hurts when I can’t keep to it! I’m trying to better organise but it really is hard.

    ANYWAY, a really great post! I agree with this so so much and let us pray to whoever is stealing all our time to PLEASE give it back. Sincerely, the world.

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    1. I understand this struggle so much, as you could probably see it in that post, haha. Finding time to do everything seems impossible some days, and it annoys me SO much as well. I guess all we can do is try to dedicate some time to blogging, blog hopping and everything, when life and homeworks aren’t keeping us away from it too much. Thank you so, SO much ❤ And, as the forever crazies we are… WE WILL DO IT ALL.

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  26. As you already probably figured out, I mainly right now only have time to post reviews or the occasional update or book sale. That might change once I’m out of school, but for now it’s all I have time to do. Even reading everyone’s posts is time-consuming. So I hope you do t feel obligated to post every day, because a lot of people just can’t. And I have noticed that when I do post, most people stop by to comment.
    I hope you figure out what you’re going to do. I know how hard it is to sacrifice anything on your blog, so I completely understand. But the most important posts are all that matter!


  27. Haaaa . Me right now. I am moving in my new apartment but my blogging time is suffering from it. A LOT. (For example I haven’t posted anything since tuesday 😱) and it’s stressing the hell out of me !!!! But. Life is more important. Work (well, the paid one) is a priority, social life and other things are also important so…


    1. Ohh, I hope the moving is going okay! It is stressful a bit when you’re not able to post, and you’re wondering constantly what’s going to happen to your little blog. But don’t worry, I’m sure it will be okay, and even if it’s bothering, well, work is more important. I’m sure you’ll find the right balance again once you’re settled in 🙂 ❤ Thank you!

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  28. Great post! I only started, thinking blogging would be a great way to get me away from working all the time but it’s not really working…hmm. I do love reading other people’s blogs though! 🙂

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    1. Thank you so much! Oh, well maybe it will, with a bit of time! Don’t think of it as work – even if, well, at times, it is -, think about what you want to write and share and about friends you can make along the way. It’s an adventure, and it shouldn’t feel like work 🙂

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  29. Fab post, I think everyone struggles with finding time when it comes to blogging. At the beginning of the week, we set out a number of small tasks to be complete everyday, they only take about 1 hour a day altogether but you’d be surprised how much gets done by the end of the week!

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  30. Great post, nicely written.. I have been blogging for over an year now and yes it can get difficult at times. It helps to have a list of things to do to help tide over the phase and after some time it just becomes a habit….

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