The Real Neat Blog Award

Hello friends, happy Wednesday! I hope your week has been good so far, filled with books and love! Today I’m coming back with… 

Well, first, before coming to the subject of this blog post, I have to say that I have been experimenting some issues with commenting on your blogs lately, and I am ending up in a lot of SPAMS on other blogs, apparently I might comment too much?! Like, I wasn’t aware that was actually a thing?!! PLEASE if you could check your spams and free me from it, if I left a comment on your blog, I’ll be forever grateful. If you recently – like, in the past two days – commented on my blog, it’s very most likely to have happened, since I, 99,9% of the time, comment back (that 0,1% is because no one is perfect, especially not my memory). Someone wants to prevent me from sharing my love in the community lately, and THIS IS NOT OKAY. Alright, now onto the next part…

A lovely award, thanks to the incredibly sweet Beth @ Reading Every Night! If you don’t know her or her blog by now, I suggest you check it out right away and flood her with all of your love. She’s one of the best bloggers out there, and sweetest people I’m proud to call by now a friend. Alright, now onto this award…


If you could pick one book to read again for the first time what would it be?

more than thisHm this is such a great question! There are so many books I’d love to experience for the first time all over again. I was astonished by More than this, that book hit me and I couldn’t stop thinking about it. That craziness died down a bit by now, but still… Don’t you just love when a book has that impact on you?delirium

I could have told you about the first time I read Delirium, as well. That book HIT ME SO HARD, really. Right now it just seems like another average dystopian novels for many people, but that ending just had me crying.

You find a genie in a lamp, what three things would you wish for?

Finding what I want to do, where I belong and basically just being happy. That’s three wishes there, isn’t it?

If you could pluck any one character out of any book for an hour so you could meet them in real life who would you choose and why?wrath and the dawn

Hmmm interesting question… Since I talked about Jalal (from The Wrath and The Dawn) before with a lovely blogger, I’m going to say him. He’s just so easy-going and funny, I bet an hour with him would make me smile.

Where is your next travel destination. If you haven’t got any holidays planned where would you love to go more than anywhere else in the world?

Hm to be completely honest right now there’s nothing too exciting planned, which is why I might slowly go down into the biggest depression hole ever, haha. Maybe a little weekend away somewhere in France with my sister? I’m still doing plans in my mind for great travel destinations for the next months. Whenever life figures itself out on its own. Oh, I miss being a student.

Which book world would you not want to live in and why?

witherA pretty obvious choice would be The Hunger Games, and kind of a generic answer as well… Oh, I could quote tons of dystopian novels here, haha, but since I just finished reading it, I would go with Wither. A world where everyone dies so young is just chilling.

What is one item on your bucket list that you want to do before you die?

One? HOW am I supposed to choose, Beth?! Going to Canada, going to Australia, New Zealand, basically doing all the travelling in the world, write a book, READ ALL THE BOOKS.

As for my questions, I hope Beth won’t be mad because I’m going to steal those from her, I just had so much fun answering these, and now I’d love to see YOUR answers

I’d love to know: what’s ONE item on your bucket list you’d love to do before you die?

Which book would you like to re-read for the first time? Let’s chat in comments! 💬

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Book blogger, travel blogger, writer. 📚 |🌍 | 💞 Writing & Communications Graduate. French. Living on love, wanderlust and ya books.

57 thoughts on “The Real Neat Blog Award

  1. Marie, I think I freed you from spam jail. 🙂 I wasn’t on my computer much this week, which is why I just saw your comment in spam from Monday. I unspammed you and approved the comment. You should be all set. It’s such a pain though. The spam thing started for me last Tuesday, and I’m mostly okay, but I have had some blogs where I’m still going into spam. I think if they don’t mark it not spam and approve at the same time you won’t get released from blog jail.

    Anyways, I totally agree with you on your wishes. My life is complete chaos right now. I quite my job and I’m moving to Florida, so I could definitely use them. 🙂 Ha! Talk about craziness. That’s why I haven’t been around as much as usual. All I do is pack boxes anymore. No fun. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. YAY, thank you so much, it feels good to be free hahaha 😛 It is annoying, but I hope everything will get sorted out soon 🙂
      Ohh, well it’s a whole new adventure and life awaiting for you, maybe you will love Florida and everything, I surely hope so! It’s always a bit stressful to move out someplace new though, I get the feeling…and the packing as well. Sending you lots of courage especially for packing ahah, you can do this! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you! 🙂 Yeah, it’s a bit stressful. This whole move has really cut into my blogging and reading time. Not fun at all. I can’t wait until I’m settled in Florida. 🙂 I’m all about new life adventures. This will be the third state I’ve lived in over the last 10 years. Thanks, Marie! 😘

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Wow, three states? It’s so great you’re able to live in different places like that. Which one was your favorite place to live, so far, if I can ask? 🙂 I agree though that all the moving and packing and changing is tiring though. Being settled and ready for new adventures is the best part 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Really interesting post!
    I tend to forget plots and characters easily and just remember the feeling of how it was reading the book or series so if I wait a few months or so, I usually enjoy the book I re-read as much as the first time. But if I could choose one I have read too many times to count it would be The Hobbit. There are also quite a few fanfictions out there that I can’t forget. I so wish I could read them again for the first time ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you so so much for the amazing and sweet things you said about me Marie, honestly you are one of the best people I have met through WordPress and I am so pleased I can call you my friend as well. ❤
    I loved your answers for my questions (and I'm interested to see the answers from the people you tagged as well now, I'm glad you enjoyed my questions enough to pass them on). I completely agree with you about More Than This, that book was such a surprise, and such an adventure, I'd love to read it again for the first time. And oh pulling Jalal from The Wrath and The Dawn would be amazing!
    The Hunger Games is an obvious choice but I'd definitely not want to live there myself, and I haven't read Wither but from the sounds of that's not a place I'd like to live either!
    Travelling the world is number one on my bucket list as well! There are so many places I want to see only not enough time to see them! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re welcome Beth, just sharing my feelings! ❤ ❤ Your questions were so much fun to answer, I couldn't resist, I had to see what other people would answer as well. I LOVE Jalal so much, I can't wait to finally be able to read the sequel for that book. I'm really annoyed it's still expensive as an ebook. when it's a physical book, I don't mind paying a bit more, but for an ebook, I'd rather buy it when it's not too expensive…if that makes any sense?
      Thank you SO much Beth ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Well, either way thank you again! ❤
        Yeah I'm pretty excited to see what everyone else comes up with for these. There are a lot of characters I'd love to see outside of their books, and oh I can't wait for you to read The Rose and the Dagger as well!
        No that does make sense, I completely know what you mean as well, seeing as you're not getting an actual book shouldn't it be a little cheaper?
        That's all right ❤

        Liked by 1 person

      1. I read the first book which I absolutely loved! But, I didn’t have the second book at the time and then other books started coming out and then I just never got it #Problemsofareader! I do plan on reading the second book though!

        Liked by 1 person

  4. My poor Sweechie is in spam jail!!! Nooooo ❤
    Weekend gateways are so cool! I love that you plan things with your sister! 🙂 I don't have one but we are so many in my head that it's the same, hahahaha.
    I never ever never want to end up in a dystopian. I'd die within 5 minutes xD
    The big item on my bucket list I'd love to check off is going to the US. I could also have answered London but it's easier to go there so… I need to see NYC before I die!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It was! I’m still not over that book, it made me think about life and everything so, so much. I remember staring into space for like, ten minutes before I could go on with life, ahah. I’d love to, someday. Australia is very up high on my bucket list 🙂 Thank you so much Jeann! I love cookies 😘

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  5. The ending of Delirium hit me right in the feels, too! I’ve never continued with the series though because when I went to buy them they didn’t have them in my local book shop so I moved onto something else instead. Is it worth it? Great answers and congrats on your award. 🙂 x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh I am so glad I’m not alone having all the feels about this book. I loved it so, so much, and I barely find other bloggers who read and love it? Or maybe it’s just because it’s a bit old, and no one talks about it anymore? Well, I really enjoyed the next books, but I’m not going to lie, they weren’t as great as the first one. I hope you’ll still read them someday though, they’re still great reads, I love how the world evolves and we get deeper and deeper into the issues. Thank you so much Sammie ❤

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      1. I know right?! It seems like one of those books that has just faded into obscurity for some reason. That’s interesting! Thanks for the opinion, I’ll defo check them out when I have some time (and spare cash) haha! I think I’d definitely need to read the first one again to re-cap though. My pleasure! 😁 xx

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  6. Great choices, Marie! Also, I really need to re-read The Wrath and The Dawn, because I spent a good minute thinking ‘who was Jalal again?’ and that is simply NOT acceptable! 😉
    This may be a SUPER cliché answer, but I would love to be able to read the Harry Potter series again for the first time. Also, The Hunger Games.
    And one thing on my bucketlist is to travel, travel, travel. Still so many destinations to see and so little time! (And money. And days off) 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. HOW could you forget Jalal? I LOVE him so much ahah, you definitely need to re-read The Wrath and The Dawn, only to appreciate his presence more 😀
      Haha, oh you’re so right. I’m wishing for unlimited holidays and money to travel and buy books all the time without worrying. That would be, the dream ❤
      Thank you so much! ❤


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