How two years of blogging changed me

Good morning friends, good afternoon, or good evening, depending when you’re reading this. How are you ? I hope your week is going great so far. Today’s usually the day where I ramble endlessly, or answer some fun tagg-ish questions, but…well what do you know, I can still be surprising, I guess ?

Also, there is a little something that happened, which you can probably guess from the title already. It has been TWO YEARS now that I started this little blog, as shaky as it was, at first, it quickly became an obsession, then a habit, a source of guilt, stress as much as a source of endless fangirling. If I were to sum it up in a word, it definitely would be an adventure. But I’m a big fan of ramblings, and two years committing to a little plateform online allows me, I think, to ramble a bit.

Yeah, this is the French for, You subscribed to WordPress 2 years ago. I started this in French. Oops.
Yeah, this is the French for, You subscribed to WordPress 2 years ago. I started this in French. Oops.

If anyone told me a couple years ago that I would be doing this now, or that I would have accomplished so many things thanks to a little place on my screen called Drizzle & Hurricane Books, I had no idea how I would have reacted. I always loved books, but I guess being away from my family and wanting to read more and more made me closer to doing this, then to finally click on a button, find out a name inspired by my favorite books and feelings, and just DO THE DAMN REGISTER thing. And two years later, here I still am, listening and not shouting into the void as I thought I would be. Because people are listening, and there are basically NO words big enough to thank you for that.

Growing is a continuous process, but with blogging, I’d like to think I have grown in many ways, both in numbers I never thought I would get, and in a more personal way. Obviously my personal life is nothing like it was two years ago, and blogging kind of affected this. Because now I get the “Do you have to make pictures of your books?” question from my mom, all excited to imagine how to put them together. Now I get the “Are these ALL THE BOOKS I have to read BECAUSE OF YOU?” question from my sister, looking at everything I bought and got through before she could even finish one (Really, she means to thank me. She really does. I mean, I BUY THE BOOKS. I think I’m kind of losing here.) Now I get the endless bookish recommendations, the endless fangirling with people I didn’t even know before, the weekends spent crafting blog posts and long days at work made better by a WordPress notification. Blogging has definitely become a massive part of my life.time to blog

Obviously it’s not all sunshine and rainbows, because there are many challenges in being a blogger. Being worried about stats, about WHAT TO SAY, about wanting to stand out but having NO idea how. About being able to read all the books but having no time to do so, about wanting to love and comment everywhere but having no time, blog but having no time. Basically the biggest challenge of it all, is TIME. Despite these constant struggles and the guilt that comes biting me at times, there is something I can say for sure after two years or more or not steady blogging : I am actually content with what I am doing, and I think there’s this passion and obsession -a healthy one, let me reassure you-, that drives me and has given me a new purpose, new ideas, endless stream of thoughts in my brain that I love.

blogging ways hiatus

There are many different opinions on the bookish community as well, and if overall everyone wants to think it’s all sunshine and rainbows as well – I’m the first one to -, we all know it’s bound to be filled with some disagreaments once in a while and some dramas. It is bound to happen. But if I have to say something here, in TWO years of blogging – and as Joey said in his fantastic blog post celebrating his three years -, if something made me stay, it’s that. The community, the people. There is passion for what I am doing, for sure. It has even become a habit. But it wouldn’t have been if it wasn’t for the community. Some people would say, or think that they’d feel motivated if they got folllowers, better stats, loads of comments. They are numbers, and we are kind of crafted to love high numbers. Like seeing a billion dollars check, you know. I wouldn’t say no to it, but if this meant giving up the people I loved, then thanks, no thanks. I’m not saying you can have it all, but I am saying that in the bookish community, if there is something I can be thankful for, it’s YOU. Reading this post. Sharing the love. Feeling part of something passionnate, something that has a voice and is heard. I feel lucky enough to have gain a number of followers I never thought would be possible, to be honest. But I feel EVEN LUCKIER to have gain friends. People I know I can count on. For bookish recommendations, and sometimes even for more.


Obviously here there are people I want to thank in these two years of blogging. For always being here, for the bookish and non-bookish recommendations. Even sometimes for being there for me on a personal level –you’ll know who you are, I hope. For the thoughtful comments, the funny ones, the Twitter discussions and the bookish dreams and fangirling at all times. Obviously, in no particular order,

Kat, Reg, Fadwa, Jillian, Lashaan & Trang, Joey, LaurenBeth, Lais, Summer, Stephanie, Jenna, JeannCW, Puput, Sara, Liam, KevinRivkaDaley, LydiaLindsey, Drew, Pamela, Hannah, Donna, NirajaPoulami, Shanti & Shar, Cait, Geraldine, Naz, Yani, Jess, Becca, Jamie, Anne, Yarravy, Michelle and you, you, you.

Check out their blogs, if you don’t know them, leave them love, comments, and just make sure they know how awesome they are. And if you’re not here, I am sorry I have the memory of a gold fish but I LOVE YOU. If we ever talked in comments, fangirled about something, even if it’s just this one time, thank YOU.

If blogging changed me, if it made me passionate, mildly even more obsessed about books than I was before, it’s all because of you as well. So thank you.

How long have you been blogging ? What do YOU think blogging changed, in your life, and in yourself ? I’d love to know! 💬

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Book blogger, travel blogger, writer. 📚 |🌍 | 💞 Writing & Communications Graduate. French. Living on love, wanderlust and ya books.

113 thoughts on “How two years of blogging changed me

  1. Yeah, when I first started blogging, I had very different ideas about what I was going to post on, the type of people I thought would read it, blah de blah – I was totally wrong, and I’m glad I was wrong. The journey I’m on now is so rewarding, and indeed, meeting some of the people I have here has just been so great. I count you among my fangirls every time, Marie! Thank you so much for your support of my blog and my goals!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Posts like this inspire me to blog even more! I have been blogging for only a year, in and out because of school, but now I wanna focus more on my blog! The people in the book community are the best! ❤️❤️❤️

    Congratulations for the two years! Can’t wait for your future reviews and bookish posts!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Aw Marie, Thank you so much for including me in this. A beautiful message, congratulations on 2 years. I can’t wait to see how far you come in the next two, its amazing to see your travels, your talks with your sister and basically everything you post.

    Since blogging I would say I have changed to become a bit more confident within myself, without this community I wouldn’t of got the courage to go to the doctors about my anxiety and get on the right track. I feel so much happier and so many people like you have helped me along the way. I wish I could meet you all and give you grateful hugs!

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    1. Oh thank you so, so much for your sweet message Hannah, it means so much to me ❤ And your comments always brighten my day, of course I'd include you in here 🙂
      I completely understand the feeling, I feel the same way. I feel so much more confident about how I feel and myself, really, because of this. And if you ever need to talk about anything, anxiety or not, know that I'm here! ❤ Thank you again ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Happy blogoversary Marie! Here’s to many more amazing blogging years!
    I so agree that blogging definitely can change you. I started almost a year ago now and though it’s of course not all sunshine and rainbows, I still wouldn’t miss it for the world! I love everything that blogging has taught me, but most of all I love it because of the amazing community. ❤ Blogging has definitely made me more passionate about books, more comfortable with expressing my fangirlish ways, made me think about things in new ways and made me feel more at ease in a way. I'm a very introverted person, so even commenting online used to (and still does sometimes) make me quite anxious, but everyone's been so nice and welcoming that it's become something I look forward to each day/week 🙂
    So thank you for being one of those super nice bloggers! ❤ Congratulations on 2 years of blogging and good luck with everything else you do!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so, so much Lindsey! ❤ I agree with you so much, blogging made fangirling about books kind of okay, haha, before I felt a bit alone in this and now I know I have lots of people to fangirl with 🙂 Oh I'm so glad it helped with your anxiety as well, ❤ I'm always here if you ever need to talk though ❤ Thank YOU for your sweet words and comments ❤ ❤


  5. 2 years? That is sooo awesome! I can definitely relate to all the things you said here. And congratulations for reaching this milestone!

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  6. I LOVE YOU SOOOO MUCH MY TWINNIE ❤ And I'm so Lucky too share this experience with you.
    Congratulations on making it to 2 years, I am so pround of you, and here's to many many more years with a flourishing blog, awesome discussions and ramblings, as well as endless amounts of fangirlling and just being crazy about books!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. YOU ARE SO AMAZING OMG. Two years of blogging is such a big deal! I still remember when you were the person who was always commenting on our blog and I was like ‘who is this Marie person and how did she find us and how is she so amazing?’. I love how thoughtful your blog is and that you put so.much.heart. into this and that you reply to comment replies and that you care so much. The community of bloggers is definitely why I blog too- I just love to learn about books and friendship and opinions. I’m at just and my blog is way less about writing and way more about reading and we have features now, and our schedule is way more regular. But the key idea is the same. Yay *hugs you*

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  8. Congratulations on your two years blogging. I’ve been impressed to keep it up for 6 months. Totally agree with you though that it’s the community that makes this what it is, be it authors or other bloggers. I’m probably abnormal for a general blogger as I don’t really care about stats (still surprised with mine), I can’t be bothered trying to be original in a sea of people being originally the same and I’m happy to be me, doing this at my pace in my way. if one person likes my review or reads a book because of me, I’m happy. I have met some fab people through this blogging malarkey and I have to say, i wouldn’t change a thing.

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    1. YOU have this covered. This blogging thing, just, wow. It’s so great when you get to the point of not caring about the stats, of just being yourself and blogging at your own rhythm, and loving it. This is really what is, for me, success at blogging ❤
      Thank you so, so much ❤ ❤

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  9. Congratulations on 2 years of blogging, reading and blogging both take a lot of time and it’s a remarkable achievement! 🙂

    Thanks for the mention in the blogger list, it was a real surprise as I’m not one to comment much but it’s really appreciated! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Congratulations on 2 years!! That’s such a massive achievement. I’ve only been blogging 7 months or so, but the impact it’s had on my life has been massive. I never thought I would find something that I love so much! It’s also had a big impact on my future, because it was through book blogging that I realised I want to go into publishing and it’s also helped me on my to achieving that.

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  11. MARIIIIIIE! Two years is such a great milestone. We all love you for being the amazing human being that you are and are so happy that you are still up and blogging on a regular basis! ❤ ❤ ❤ I love our talks (on and off the comments) 😀 here's to many more years!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Aww, happy 2 years, Marie! 🎉☺️ I am truly so happy for you! You’ve been on a blogging roll this year with all the discussion and blogging ways posts. Not to mention launching SFATW and having your sister guest post. 😉

    And I so agree with you (and Joey)! The supportive and diverse group of people in this community is everything. 😌 I look forward to growing with you along this blogging journey for many more years (?) to come! 💕

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Congratulations! What a milestone 😀 I’ve only been blogging for 6-7 months (I can’t remember exactly when I started right now, oops) and I agree with you. The community is so nice and I’ve found some awesome people to talk to and share all sorts of things. It’s lovely and it motivates my blogging for sure.

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  14. FÉLICITATION! 2 ANS DE BLOGGING! Wow. I’m actually really glad that we’ve even managed to cross paths in this blogging world. You always have wonderful thoughts to share with the community and your reviews always puts forth so much passion (whenever you love the book, of course). I’m quite impressed that you would pass a billion dollar check if it were to keep us all around you. That is EXTREMELY sweet and admirable! Here’s to a hundred more years of blogging from Marie! 😀

    – Lashaan

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    1. MERCI, thank you so, so much Lashaan! To be honest, if I could get the check and keep all of you guys, that’d be pretty awesome hahahaha. But I’m feeling so, SO grateful for all of you guys, really, and even if nothing I do here gives me any money, it gives me such a different kind of reward, it’s LOVE, and I love it ❤ Thank you! ❤

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  15. A massive congratulations on 2 years Marie. ❤ I bet it feels like that time has flown by but you must have so many amazing memories from blogging you can look back on as well. I am so so thankful you started this blog, and then started following me as well because you are one of the best people I have met on WordPress and honestly my blogging experience would not be the same without your posts and your comments! ❤
    The community is a massive part that keeps me going, the people I talk to and the posts I read must all make me so glad to be a part of this. 😀
    Here's to another year on WordPress, do you have anything special planned for your third year on Drizzle and Hurricane Books?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh thank you so, so much Beth, and I could say the same for you, blogging wouldn’t be the same thing, AT ALL, without all of your lovely comments and thoughts and presence ❤
      To be honest I haven't thought about this much, even if a change of design or a little .com on my blog would make me happy maybe someday. I thought about self-hosting but I might be a bit too scared to lose it all for that hahaha. I guess I'll have to see 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That’s all right! 😀 I guess blogging has become such a huge part of our lives now and it’s great we have people who mean this much to us on here right? ❤
        Who knows really, I guess the main thing is to do what makes you happy, and what will help you continue blogging. I haven't thought of self hosting at all but maybe one day.Honestly who knows right?

        Liked by 1 person

  16. Congrats, Marie! 2 years is so awesome! And thank you for the shout out. ❤️ I’m glad we met and have so many fun chats. 🙂 Blogging has definitely changed my life. This community is so great and has helped me in more ways than most people even know.

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  17. Congratulations Marie! Two years is such an amazing accomplishment. Your blog is absolutely fantastic and I always love reading your wonderful posts and reviews. 🙂 Thanks for sharing! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Congratulation on 2 years blogging 😊🎉🎉 Totally agree about fangirling and getting book recomendation from somebody that I did not know before. I’ve been blogging my personal blog for 8 years but my book blog is only a year. Blogging help me learn to be confident in my own interest and uniqueness. I also learn self promoting/a little bit marketing 🙂

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  19. Congratulations on 2 years! I started my blog about a month ago and this is really inspiring for me. I hope to one day find myself at the point where you find yourself in now, and I am so excited every single day that I write a post. I don’t know that many people in the blogging community just yet, but I can’t wait to start building friendships as you have. Thank you for this wonderful post! I loved reading it. Congrats once more.

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  20. Once again, happy belated blogiversary Marie! Joyeux anniversaire! Not sure if it’s correct or not, I learned French around 4yrs ago and I’m super rusty :’) It’s amazing that you’ve been doing it for 2 years! I mean, I know a lot of people have been doing it for longer, but still, it’s a pretty huge commitment ❤ one thing that blogging changed me the most is the fact that I never get bored anymore! I'm a restless person and I get bored easily but since I blogged, I always have things to do 😛 thank you so much for mentioning me! So glad aaaand proud to be among these amazing bloggers ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. THANK YOU so much, and yes it’s correct ahah, you didn’t lose too much of your French 😀
      OH yes, this! I completely relate to this. I’m the same way, and thanks to blogging I never get bored either, there is just SO much to do all the time ahah ❤
      You're welcome, thank YOU for always being so wonderful ❤

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  21. Ahh wow congrats on 2 years blogging- I’d say here’s to the next two, but I want this to go on much longer than that!!!! And I get what you mean about your sister- that’s my sister’s reaction whenever I get books- at first it was excitement- now it’s more “I have too much to read!!” To be fair I’ve always felt simultaneously like I have too much to read and not enough, so maybe I just want her to know what a struggle my life is! 😉 agree so much about time being the biggest struggle- but so so much more about the community being the best thing about blogging!!! It’s what made me fall in love with it ❤ and your blog in particular is one of my absolute favourites- I feel completely privileged to be counted as one of your friends!!! Thank you so much for that!! And thank you so much for writing such a lovely, lovely post! I got the warm fuzzies reading it!! Happy bloggiversary once again!! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww thank you so, so much, and yes here’s to hoping it will continue for a long time 🙂
      Haha I’m glad I’m not the only one making my sister read TONS of books haha, there are just too many books out there and I can’t STOP getting new ones.
      You made my day with your sweet words, thank you so, so much, and OF COURSE you’re one of my friends, I always LOVE our conversations ❤ Thank you so, soo much ❤

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  22. Awww, Marie!!!!! I love this post and you SO MUCH. Reading this made me feel so happy and inspired. I’m so glad you decided to start blogging and that we managed to meet on this journey ♥♥♥ I’ve almost been blogging for a year and it’s been so different to what I expected, but in the best way. All the stressful moments are definitely worth it!!

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  23. Hahahahahahaha, the French message had my brain freeze. I couldn’t understand what it was saying!
    CONGRATULATIONS ON REACHING TWO YEARS OF BLOGGING SWEECHIE! You put so much in your blog, the very essence of your soul and it’s brilliant to see it all on screen! I am so grateful to have met you and it’s a treat to call you a friend ❤ You can be proud of your corner of the internet because you turned it into a cosy, friendly, fantastic, original, creative and safe place! Blogging is everything but a piece of cake but you make me want to stick around when things get tough, thank you for that ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hahahahaha my sweechie, we are THE SAME. At some point I’m so used to thinking – writing in English that French seems weird to me at times hahaha.
      Thank you SO, so much, you’re going to make me cry with all of your sweet words. I am SO happy you like my blog, and I am EVEN MORE happy and grateful to call you a friend ❤ ❤ And always here when you need to scream about blogging, books or anything ❤


  24. Congratulations on two awesome years! And here’s to many more to come 🙂 That must have taken a lot of time and dedication!
    Blogging has changed my life too. I think I’m a better planner because of it and tend to schedule my blog posts ahead of time. (Except last month, we don’t talk about last month. Haha.)
    And thanks for mentioning me, I wasn’t expecting it at all and I had to double check to be sure, haha. I’m really grateful I met people like you through blogging too 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  25. Congrats on two years, Marie!! That’s such an incredible milestone to have accomplished. I love this post so much because everything you said is true. Blogging is so wonderful but there are times when it can be really stressful. I’ve only been around nearly 8 months now and these past two months, in particular, have not been a walk in the park for me but it’s all worth it in the end. 😊

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      1. I understand this so much. I feel overwhelmed a LOT of the time, I won’t deny it. Juggling with work and keeping up with commenting and blogging is really hard at times, and I’m feeling doubt and tiredness a lot some days, but it’s important to remember why we love it 🙂 ❤

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      2. That’s true! A lot of the times when I start feeling overwhelmed I try to make myself step back and remember why I love blogging in the first place. I always come to the conclusion that I’d rather take the tough days than give up my blog. 😊

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  26. You are honestly the most sweetest and greatest person in the universe! Firstly, my congratulations! Because two years is such an amazing journey and you’ve created a place that is so welcoming, so lovely and kind to thoughts and opinions and you’ve kept it for two years! You’ve made so many people, myself included, feel so happy and I am so happy to have been able to meet you and be able to call you such a great fan.

    While blogging is such a great joy of mine, time is such a big factor that causes a lot of stress and heartache but despite is all, its people like you my lovely friend that really make me not care about it all. This community is so amazing and you’ve put it into perfect words! Your reviews, your discussions, every single post you make is so full of love and sweetness, I can’t wait for the infinite blogging years ahead! Congratulations again my forever crazy! ❤ ❤ Thank you for everything (the love, the support!), all the best to you through everything and I LOVE YOU!

    Liked by 1 person

  27. Thank you so much for including me in your list, Marie! You are one of the bloggers I admire and look up to because you’re constantly coming up with interesting and creative content, and that’s not easy! We bloggers know how much work we must put into our blogs, so to see someone in our community thrive and do well like you are makes me so happy!
    Blogging has changed me as well and I may do a similar post when I reach my 1 year anniversary. 🙂
    May you have another successful and happy year of blogging. I’m glad I got to know you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ohh you’re welcome, thank YOU for being such a wonderful blogger and always inspiring the community, and me! 🙂 It means so much to me that you think this of my blog, thank you! ❤
      Oh when is your 1 year anniversary? I will look forward to that post for sure! 🙂


  28. Oh my god did I not comment on this post??? I am TERRIBLE, so sorry, Marie! Bur congratulations on two years of blogging – I am eternally glad that I’ve internet-met you and honestly can’t imagine my blogging experience without your kindness and friendliness and just utter love and passion for the community. ❤

    Thank you so, so much for the mention – you're definitely one of my closest blogging friends too and I've loved seeing each and every one of your posts on my news feed. (Evidently I have missed some, and maybe even a lot, but it doesn't diminish how excited I am for your posts and how they always bring a smile to my face.) Happy two years, and here's to many more. 😊

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  29. Aww, I didn’t know I touched your heart! In your two years of blogging, I made a difference and that means a lot to me! Your blog is amazing and I love all the cool stuff you do. It’s a wonder how you do it all, but I know all about stress and how some of us thrive even though we secretly wish for a stress-free life yet do well under the strain.
    You rock. Thanks for thanking us. I was just reading the post and catching up after all those weeks of school, and this made my heart warm. Thank you so much, Marie, you are a treasure. You really are.
    Keep up the good work, and here’s to another two years! 🍻!

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  30. WHY AM I JUST NOW SEEING THIS POST???! CONGRATULATIONS ON TWO YEARS, MY BEAUTY!!! 2 years, wowwy. If this were my first time visiting your blog I’d definitely think you’ve been blogging for much, much longer. You and your blog (Nyx, too) are amazing and it always brings me great joy when I see your posts in my feed. You are such an amazing person (and blogger) and I am extremely honored and happy to be considered one of your friends ❤

    Here's to many, many, MANY more years of success, Marie! 😀

    -Jess @jbelkbooks

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  31. Pingback: On blogging envy

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