On travelling, hobbies and other random facts – 500 followers Q&A!

Hello friends, how are you? After last week’s post where I answered all of your blogging and reading-related questions, I am back today with Part 2 of this insane Q&A. I am completely amazed by ALL of your enthousiasm and questions, seriously, THANK YOU for making this little 500 followers celebration AWESOME. THANK YOU so, so much!

500 followers Q&A

on other hobbies
Aimal @ Bookshelves & Paperbacks and Jamie @ Watch Game Read  asked:
🔹 What’s your favorite type of music? Favorite artist at the moment? Favorite song?
I think I listen to pop music the most? I don’t know, I really love pop and rock mostly, I think? My favorite artist of the moment is Sia, my favorite band has to be The Veronicas, and my favorite song is When You Look Me In The Eyes (yes, from the Jonas Brothers. Sorry?). I love lots of songs and artists, Taylor Swift, Adele, James Bay, You Me At Six, there are so many ahah.

🔹What are some things you do besides reading? Do you play a sport? An instrument? (also asked by Shar @ Virtually Read, Reg @ She Latitude, Aila @ One Way or An Author, CW @ Read, Think, Ponder)
Well hm you kind of summed up my life here, what am I supposed to say? Haha. I do love writing, even if I don’t do it as much as I’d want to. I’m going to get to it soon again, I miss it so much. I have a huge love for tv shows as well, and for food. Does that count? YES I’ll say food is glorious so it counts?! I don’t play any sports or any instruments for that matter, I cruelly lack the creativity to do so. I guess I’m good at planning travels and stuff, and otherwise I’d say I’m a pretty boring person?

on travelling

ichabod2014ic asked:
🔹 What area of France do you live in?
Well, right now I’m studying, or more like interning, on the very North of France, but I am living, and moving back home to the very East of France, right next to Germany…here’s a peek at my lovely home.

Beth @ Reading Every Night asked:
🔹 What is the favorite place you’ve ever been to in the world, and where is one place you desperately want to visit sometime in the near future?
Right now, my favorite place in the world is London (UK). I fell in love with this city years ago, there’s something about it that just feels like home.


Aimal @ Bookshelves and Paperbacks asked:
🔹 If you could travel to three places in the entire world, with no problems with money or time, where would you go?
Hm, I think the places I want to visit the most right now are Australia and New Zealand (SO far away), The West Coast of the United States and Scandinavian countries. I kind of cheated there, didn’t I?

Louise @ Genie Reads asked:
🔹In your travelling experience, so far what is your favorite dish/food/cuisine and what country is it from?
Okay, I’m going to be very selfish and self-centered here, and I APOLOGIZE. I do love a lot of food, but to be honest, my favorite kind of food remains French food. I mean, baguette, macarons and ugh I love it all so much.


Summer @ xinsings asked:
🔹What are a few tips you’d give to foreigners that plan to visit France? (Maybe something along the lines of etiquette… Like what is commonly accepted worldwide but would be rude to the French…?)
Hm, that’s such a good question, Summer, and it’s so good I actually don’t know how to answer it, haha. I guess everything I do seem so normal for me? Well, hm, first thing I can think of is, hugs. I know in America a lot of people greet each other with hugs, but well, French are into kissing (on the cheek, haha) to say hello. It’s called, “la bise”. Hm, in English it’s SO practical because you actually all say “you”, whether it’s to a stranger or your mom. In France, we use two different pronouns for that. “tu” is what you would say to someone you’re close to, and “vous” is to address your boss, strangers and everything.

Kat @ Life & Other disasters asked:
🔹 What’s a place you always wanted to see but haven’t yet?
HARD QUESTION Kat, why are you doing this to me?! I want to go everywhere. I really want to visit ALL of England (I’m so in love with that country), go to Canada, the West Coast of the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Sweden…I can go on for hours, haha.

Michelle @ The Writing Hufflepuff asked:
🔹 Is there a hilarious travel story you want to share with us?
Hilarious? Funny thing, I can’t think of anything hilarious, and the only thing that came to mind is when we (my sister and I) were stuck 12 HOURS in Washington D.C because our flight was delayed. Yeah, that’s not hilarious ahah.

misc about myself

Anushka Anand  asked:
🔹 What’s your screen wallpaper?
Right now, it’s a picture I took of London a few years ago, seen from above, from the Shard.

the view from the shard

Shanti @ Virtually Read asked:
🔹 What’s a language you want to learn?
 Oh that’s a good question…and I have no idea how to answer this?! I would love to learn Swedish, I don’t know why?

🔹Which song is stuck in your head right now?
Right now, I have Nick Jonas’ Jealous stuck in my head…

Reg @ She Latitude asked:
🔹What food do you like to eat? Do you have a favorite cuisine/restaurant?
I LOVE FOOD so much ahah this is an unfair question, I will write for hours now. Hm, I love Italian food so, so much, I’m not into too spicy stuff, ahah. I love French food, am I allowed to say this?

🔹 What’s a bad habit that you have?
Now that’s easy, it’s, worrying. And freaking out, way too much. I’m a huge bowl of stress, all the freaking time, and I worry about everything, really. It’s not good every day, but well.

Fatima @ NoteablePad  asked:
🔹 A genie appears to grant you 3 wishes. What would those wishes be?
This is probably the hardest question out of EVERYTHING on here, and for that, thank you Fatima, ahah. I love you, I’m kidding. You are quite one of the sweetest person on here. Okay, so three wishes…Honestly, I think I’d wish for, you know, the most basic stuff like happiness for me and my family, health, and enough money and time to read the books I want to read and travel the world. Does that make four wishes….?


Lydia Tewkesbury @ 22 is still young adult asked:
🔹How you are dealing with the big scary world? I hope it’s being kind to you.
I’m…not?! I am SO SCARED ahah, I just want to live with all my books.

🔹 Other than books what is your most treasured possession?
I’m not thinking about an object or something material right now, mainly because I can’t find anything, ahah, but I really want / need to say, my family.

Jess @ JbelksBooks asked:
🔹 What is something about yourself that you REALLY love?
Wow, haha. That’s not really a question I’m used to answer, I’m not the most confident person out there. I think I really like – and hate as well ahah – that I’m quite a hard-worker, in life and on blogging, and everything. I try and do my best and give my all in everything I really care about and/or want to succeed in.

Shar @ Virtually Read asked:
🔹 What do you study at university?
I’m on my second year of Masters’, and I’m going to get soon my Master’s degree in, well, the French name of it won’t really speak to any of you ahah, so basically it’s a masters’ in writing and communication.

🔹What do you want to do in the future (Apart from read a lllll the books, duh)?:)😀 ;D
I want to read, I want to travel the world, I want to find something that’s work, but that feels rewarding and makes me happy on a daily basis.

Donna @ Chocolaten Waffles Blog asked:
🔹What’s the name of your laptop? I name all of my stuff, so I assume everyone does xD
Actually, my laptop doesn’t have a name…? But I really want to know YOUR LAPTOP’s NAME now, Donna, please share.

🔹 Chocolatine ou petit pain au chocolat?? This one is very important!
pain chocolatPETIT PAIN AU CHOCOLAT! (This is a French debate, I’ll explain it to you guys: basically, three-quarters of France are calling THIS, a petit pain au chocolat, and some others are obstinate and calling that chocolatine…Yes. Us French people are weird, right? But look at this glorious pain au chocolat.)

🔹 What’s the third thing you do when you wake up?
Hm, let me think…I’m going to assume it’s a working day? So, first thing, turning off my alarm, second thing, probably yawning or letting out some kind of bad word because I don’t want to wake up hahaha, so third would be….checking my phone for texts?

Victoria @ The Petite Book Blogger asked:
🔹 What is your favorite dessert?
I LOVE dessert, it’s my favorite part of every meal, to be honest. My favorite dessert of all times has to be chocolate cake, or what we call here in France, a, fondant….

fondant chocolat

The Orangoutan Librarian asked:
🔹 Favorite tv show at the moment?
I am completely obsessed by Jane The Virgin, so I’m going to go with that. Baby Daddy makes me laugh so hard though. And Devious Maids is completely, DEVIOUS. I love it. Oh, you said one show? Sorry?

🔹Favorite tv show of all time?
Forever and always Friends. I saw every episode a billion times, I know all of them by heart, and I LOVE IT.


Summer @ xinsings asked:
🔹 What item do you possess that holds the most sentimental value?
I just love holding on to things I loved, and travelling tickets really are special to me, as are pictures on my walls and everything. I keep almost all of my travelling tickets and they always remind me of great days, so…I’d maybe go with that. I could talk about books but…let’s not, ahah.

🔹 What was your earliest memory? (Like when you were a baby… Or toddler?)
Is it wrong of me to say, I can’t remember? Haha, no, but seriously, I have a terrible memory for these things, and I can’t remember anything when I was a baby…though I remember annoying my sister a lot to bring me toys and stuff. Sorry ahah.

Liam @ Liam’s Library asked:
🔹What’s one talent or skill you most wished you could master and why?
Oh I wish I could do so many things ahah, I wish I could dance, play the piano, write like it’s art, blog like a queen, I just DON’T know what to pick, haha.

🔹What’s your favorite time period or one you wished you could live in (for a time anyway!)?
I don’t know, I feel like things were easier when I was a child, because my mom put books in my crib and I didn’t have to do all these adult things. CAN I SAY THAT?

🔹 What’s your favorite quote, or your life mantra if you have one?
Oh that one’s actually easy. I have two in mind, actually. One’s from John Green (you did see that coming, right…): “Maybe there’s something you’re afraid to say, or someone you’re afraid to love, or somewhere you’re afraid to go. It’s gonna hurt. It’s gonna hurt because it matters.”
And another one is: “When you think about giving up, remember why you held on for so long.”

Yarravy @ Hiraeth for the pages asked:
🔹What is a really embarrassing story that’s happened to you? *queue evil laugh*
Oh wow, you are SO mean. I don’t even know what to answer to that. It’s embarrassing when you fall right in front of the school because it snowed the night before and well, you just slip.  I’m clumsy and sometimes I wish I wasn’t, ahah.


🔹 What is your plan in the case of a zombie apocalypse and would you survive?
I have no plan and no, I probably won’t. So let’s hope this doesn’t happen, haha.

Kat @ Life & Other Disasters asked:
🔹 If you could have any job in the world, what would you want to do for a living?
This question is probably the hardest thing to answer, because it makes me sad to think about it, but dreamy as well. It’s funny, asking me this a few months earlier, I would have said, writing, and being a writer full-time. And even if I do love writing and it would be such a dream, I think it would be a dream as well to be able to talk about YA books all day. Work for a YA books publisher and just fangirl all day.

CW @ Read, Think, Ponder asked:
🔹 When you were 10, what was your dream? 
When I was 10, my dream was to be a famous writer. I won’t show you the things I wrote because, well, I was ten ahah and I wrote about magic, haunted little houses in the forest and stuff.

🔹What is one of your biggest aspirations in life?
See the answer above, I think as of today, it’s still one of my biggest aspirations. Otherwise I’d just say, to be happy, because I’m a cheesy marshmallow.

🔹What is a random non-bookish fact about yourself?
I think I care way too much and I’m sometimes going a bit crazy over it, ahah. I tend to get obsessed about some things once I start, and it’s either a good, or a bad thing. I’m a very anxious person as well. And hm,… I love minions. Here are three random facts haha.

minion kiss

Phew, that was a LOT of questions, thank you so much for asking all of these! ❤️ In case I missed yours, feel free to ask again in comments! 😱

I’d love to know: What do you do besides blogging and reading ALL the books? Do we have anything in common? Let me know in comments! 💬

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Book blogger, travel blogger, writer. 📚 |🌍 | 💞 Writing & Communications Graduate. French. Living on love, wanderlust and ya books.

143 thoughts on “On travelling, hobbies and other random facts – 500 followers Q&A!

  1. Hi Marie.
    These are all great answers.
    My favourite is your reply to the hobby question: ‘Watching tv, eating, and wishing you were writing.’ 😉
    Congratulations on another smashing article & blogging success!
    ~Icky. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. FRENCH FOOD! Food is what the French do best, along with being rude, haha!
    My laptop’s name is Genius, because it’s like me (mouhahaha) and it finds everything I ask it. Even things I don’t ask actually xD
    On est d’accord, vive le PETITE PAIN AU CHOCOLAT ❤
    Haha, checking up my phone is also the third thing I do, after turning off the alarm and getting a lovely cuddle from my dog.
    Looooooved you answers babe! (yep, today I decide to call you babe. Even though I hate it. Because I can!)

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Haha I think you perfectly summed up up, food and rudeness haha. what a reputation! YES PETIT PAIN AU CHOCOLAT. I’m craving some right now thanks to you haha.
      Thank you so, so much Donna, and you can call me as you’d like ahah, as long as it’s something sweet and nice 😛

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m not sorry, I am dreaming of a just-out-of-the-oven pain au chocolat! All the names I have for you are sweet, lollipop :p ❤
        My craziness is contagious, beware! Yes, your laptop needs a name!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I am DROOLING all over my computer, Donna ahah, wow I need to go to the bakery today now haha.
        I AM OKAY with having your craziness. I’m going to call my laptop Google, because I got it all and I find it all there hahaha. No seriously I need a funny name now. :p

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Every day is bakery day 😀 Embrace your Frenchness, and your pain au chocolat 😀
        You can have a serious discussion with your laptop to decide together what name would be best! Mine wanted to be called Hot Fireman, but I said no because we’re not working in the porn industry! (Still okay with my craziness? :p )

        Liked by 1 person

      1. And I’ve finally found someone who understands my sense of humor ❤ and gives me hugs! Gotta love hugs.
        Evil is my phone! Evil loves to drive me crazy, but Genius has a good influence on it. Heisenberg, like the beer or the guy? 😂 The beeeeer!

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Huuugs ❤ because we all deserve them! You need to name your army! My watch is Late, my iPad is Party Pooper (because of that damn battery that never lasts long), my TV is Cow (because there's so much tough love between us, l'amour vache :p) , My Kindle is Everything, or Every for friends… I can go on forever!
        And I do sound crazy, but crazy is better!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. I loved reading this. Awesome answers! Of course, leave it Donna to ask what you named you computer. Lol. Donna cracks me up. I actually have a sticker of Heisenberg from Breaking Bad on my laptop, so I guess that could be its name as well. Haha! I love baguettes. They’re my favorite. And croissants. I eat one a few times a week. I actually had one this morning. Is a petit pain au chocolate like a chocolate croissant? It’s looks similar to one. They’re so good. I get them at this cafe near my house. They’re like a party in your mouth. 😊 I just got Donna’s recipe for waffles. I’m looking forward to trying French waffles. The kind we have here are terrible unless you can find a good place. I’m still looking for one. 😂 Italian food is my favorite. It’s the only thing I know how to make from scratch. Otherwise, I order out or make something that’s not all that appetizing. I don’t like cooking. Thanks for sharing your answers. This was a fun read.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ohh thank you so, so much, and thank you for reading this huge post ahah ❤ ❤ ❤ Donna is completely crazy ahah I don't know how she comes up with her questions, but it was a lot of fun.
      Ohh that's so great! I don't eat that many croissants though I'm living in France, I guess I'm not really a walking cliché ahah. It is similar in the way it's made, but it doesn't have the same shape, and chocolate in it, basically 🙂 ❤
      Ohhh, waffles are just so, so good, I'm kind of craving some right now, thank you for that ahah. I'm not much into cooking either, but I do love EATING great food ahah 🙂 Thank YOU so much ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. She is crazy but in the best way possible. Haha! So am I! That’s why we all get along so well. 😉 I’m kind of obsessed with croissants. I love the buttery taste. Chocolate + pastry = how could you go wrong. Lol. I’ll eat the food as long as no one expects me to cook it. 😝 I had waffles earlier but they were sad and from the freezer. I’d love a real one.

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  4. Yay for part two! And yay for London as well! ❤️ I seriously love the picture you’re using for your desktop background (on another note can you believe I still haven’t been to the top of the Shard yet?), and as much as I do love London, and England, I do agree with you about French food as well; macaroons and pain au chocolat, yummy! 😀
    I have a list a mile long of places I want to visit but Australia is definitely on it as well! And I love your goal for the future. You already do a lot of travelling so I guess your partway there, and finding a rewarding job is important as well. You definitely want to love what you do! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much Beth ❤ I can't get enough of that London picture, the view really was breathtaking, you HAVE to go there. I never get sick of seeing great cities from above like that. IT's impressive and so beautiful. ❤
      Ohh thank you so much ❤ Well I really hope everything will go well and that I can travel, write and do things I love. That's the dream, ahah 🙂 ❤

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      1. That’s all right ❤ It's a gorgeous picture, for my background it changes based on where I'm going on holiday next, at the moment it's Copenhagen. I'll definitely get to the Shard one day, it's on my list and I eventually I'll have the time. Oh I'm the same, whenever I go on holiday somewhere I always love to see the city from above if I can! 😀
        It's definitely the dream for me as well, I always try and travel a little each year but I'd love to be able to take the time and go travelling for months on end, maybe one day! 😀

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      2. Ohh that’s such a great idea, giving you something to look forward to even more! I kind of work the other way around, I’m making myself nostalgic of holidays I already had, haha. Maybe I should do just like you 😀
        OH yes, I’d love to do that too. Maybe one day yes, with enough money to do it all 😀

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      3. Exactly and when I’m at work and stressing out about some detail or another I can look at the background on my computer and think ‘I’ll be there soon!’ It works wonders! 😀
        I’m already really really excited so I think by the time November comes around I’ll be insane.
        It always comes back to money doesn’t it! I wish there was a way to explore the world for less money, how amazing would that be?! I’d never be at home! 😀

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Hahaha, well I’m eager to see you more than excited for this trip, ahah. Copenhagen sounds like such a lovely city, I have found an instagram about it the other day, (well, mostly about food), it’s madaboutcopenhagen and there are SO many things I want to try now.

        Liked by 1 person

      5. Yay! Also I will send you some information on places we could meet for tea in Southend this weekend (work has been insanely crazy this week, I’ve barely had time to take my lucnh breaks!)
        Ohh, I’m gonna have to check that instagram out then, my sister is already forwarding me links of things we can do and planning things so I’m getting more and more excited for November. 😀

        Liked by 1 person

      6. (It’ll probably be tomorrow evening I send you the Southend info actually. One of my work colleagues mentioned somewhere he went for tea which sounded amazing and I can’t remember where he said it was!)
        But I’m always the same, planning holidays always make me so so excited and the closer it gets the more I can’t wait to get on the plane and go! 🙂
        I hope you have a brilliant time in England! ❤

        Liked by 1 person

      7. That’s more than OK ❤ it's got to be coming up to your trip now so you must be getting really excited! 😀
        I guess when you have a chance to look though everything let me know where you fancy and I can maybe look at reserving a table or something 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  5. ❤ You're so wonderful! I don't know how you managed to answer all these questions again. I'd probably die while typing on the keyboard. But I loved reading these answers! I love you too Marie ❤ your wishes all show what a lovely person you are. Who wouldn't wish for all the money to buy books?
    I'm so glad your biggest aspiration is to be a writer too! There's a time when you realise it's more of a need than a want. Also: macarons are gorgeous and taste SO GOOD. Need to go buy some asap. ❤
    Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t know either to be honest, ahah, I was completely stunned when I put together all these questions I got. It’s crazy. I feel so thankful ❤ and you are way too sweet, I don't know if I'm such a lovely person ahah, you're way too sweet seriously ❤
      It's funny, I don't think I'm at that part yet, where it feels like a need, but I don't know, it's kind of always in the back of my mind even if I can't put as much time as I want into it these past few months… I kind of have this itch to write again. I miss it. ❤ Thank you so, so much Fatima ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Haha you are definitely one of the loveliest people I’ve ever had the privilege of knowing!

        That feeling is very familiar. I was in that position a year ago 🙂 I knew I wanted to write, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. And here I am now. Keep writing, even if you don’t have plans to get published someday.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Aw, you don’t know happy that makes me! No way! ❤ I'm barely able to keep myself motivated – I'm discouraged a lot. I really don't know what keeps me going.

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  6. Aww, thanks so much for answering everyone’s questions, Marie! I loved getting to know you even more. Hehe, I wish I had tickets to collect… Hopefully one day when I travel outside the US. 🙂 Also omg, I’ve been so into chocolate cake lately. I love sweets but it hasn’t been until this year that I could really appreciate and love simple chocolate cake. :3 Also, aside from reading and blogging, I love to go jogging, play the piano, and listen to music. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank YOU, Summer, for asking all of these questions, even if I had a hard time answering some of these ahah 🙂 So glad you liked reading this post. Chocolate cake is the best, isn’t it? I’m a huge fan of desserts in general, ahah ❤ Ohh your're playing the piano? That's so great. I love this instrument, I wish I could play, it always sounds SO beautiful ❤

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  7. I prefer books to the world too! Especially right now.

    I love Jane The Virgin too! I am about half way through season 2 right now. I am totally #teammichael. Also I recently started following Gina Rodriguez in instagram and through doing so learned she is even more awesome than I realised. She is pretty heavily involved in political activism, and fighting for diversity in TV. Love her.

    Also she posted Brett Dier doing this: https://www.instagram.com/p/BB9IAK-HLhJ/?taken-by=hereisgina&hl=en HOW?!?!

    Well done on your 500 followers. You deserve every single one. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh yes, me too. Books feel safe, especially right now, and comforting.
      Ohh I am team Michael as well, I just love him so much, he has to be the sweetest guy ever.
      OH THAT VIDEO is awesome, HOW can he do that?!! I love Gina so, so much as well, she’s a great actress and I love how involved she is!
      Thank you so, so, so much! Your sweet comments and support means everything ❤ ❤ ❤


  8. Yeees, I love this post! We have SO MUCH in common – I also like Sia, The Veronicas, Taylor Swift, and James Bay. I’m a bit ambivalent about Adele right now… she’s great when I’m in a sad mood, but when I’m happy I’m a bit over her. 😛

    And I don’t think you’re self-centred at all for loving French food! French food is AMAZING. I love it so much too – if macarons aren’t so expensive or hard to make I’ll be eating them by the dozen daily. I’m not into spicy stuff either and Italian food’s probably my fave cuisine. And fondants are the best, especially when they’re straight out of the oven and you have vanilla ice cream to go with.

    I also worry too much. I’m a chronic over-thinker and overthink literally EVERYTHING in my life, so I can relate.

    PS: COME TO AUSTRALIA. We can binge-watch Friends together and eat macarons. ❤

    PPS: Here's a short video of penguins falling, just because they’re cute. The sound’s ADORABLE.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh yay, that’s so great! ❤ I can't say I don't agree, Adele isn't the best mood-lifter in the world, haha.
      It's too bad macarons are so expensive, even here in France they are, well I definitely don't buy these everyday. Oh yes, and fondants with ice cream, this is my favorite dessert, ever. ❤
      YES YES, I will honor this invitation someday, and we will watch FRIENDS and eat fondants 😛 ❤
      OH THAT VIDEO IS ADORABLE. Now I'm smiling like an idiot haha, I LOVE IT. ❤ ❤ ❤


  9. HOW DID I MISS OUT ON THIS Q&A?? I’m so sad now omg :((
    But I’m also happy because it’s so cool to hear all your answers to these different questions! 🙂
    Seems like you really like chocolate (I heartily approve btw) and I totally agree that travelling tickets have their own unique appeal!

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  10. You’re not alone at worrying about EVERYTHING. Sometimes I feel like I should put ‘stressing over every little thing’ on my cv 🙈 AND YAY TO FRIENDS. My favourite tv show will always be Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but Friends will always be among my favourites as well.

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    1. I thought it was a joke when I heard it. Really. And we couldn’t get back into the city it was too late, so we had to stay at the airport. I guess I could find something funny in that story: I bought a Obama bobble head? And I know the airport by heart hahaha. 🙂

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  11. Congrats!!
    Sia is nice!. I’ve heard of Veronicas before, but never listened to their song. Will be checking them out! And I love James Bay’s Hold Back the River, that’s the only song of his that I know though. Haha.
    I love macaroons! They’re super expensive where I live. So I can’t shove my face with them. And Friends is super awesome! I binge watch them at least once a year. I think I’m due for another rewatch.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much Jamie! ❤ I hope you'll like them, I feel a bit sad no one knows them, they're great artists and people just as well.
      Macarons are kind of expensive here in France as well, haha, that's too bad cause I LOVE them.
      OH YES really? I watch the episodes every chance I get. I think I've seen the entire show about a thousand times ahah.

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      1. I’m listening to them right now and loving a few of their songs 😀 Oh, I thought it was expensive here cause they’re considered “foreign delicacies” kind of? Haha. I don’t think I’m quite at a thousand yet, but I’m probably close 😀

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  12. You live in France?! That’s amazing!! I’m going to transfer there in a year’s time and continue my studies over there.

    Loved this post and your photos! Also, congratulations!

    – Camila

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      1. I’m not sure yet! It depends on which school/university the transfer program is working with that year.

        No problem Marie!

        Liked by 1 person

  13. Good to know my French teachers weren’t totally out of the loop by telling us we had to make sure we used “vous” instead of “tu” in certain contexts- I always wondered if that was still something people did. Ahh so glad you like TSwift *and* Friends!! I’ve not watched any of those programmes, and now Game of Thrones is over, I think I might check them out- particularly Devious Minds- that sounds cool 🙂 Great post!!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. You SO have to visit the West Coast of the US one day. It has stolen my heart and I still sometimes dream about it. It’s one of my favourite places to be. And not just the well known places like San Fran and LA, you have to go to the small beachside towns in the North too! Or Portland and Seattle – they are awesome!
    I would love to talk about YA books all day as well. Working for a publisher would be such a dream, even if I do want to be a writer as well.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. I just LOVE THIS POST SO MUCH! ❤ it's so fantastic and now I just KNOW SO MUCH ABOUT YOU I LOVE IT. Of course YOU MUST COME VISIT US AUSTRALIANS. We need the wonderful burst of light and sunshine that is Marie, I don't know how we've all managed without you! I loved your answers to every single one of these! Fortunately for me, (or unfortunately because I WANT IT TO SNOW), it doesn't snow here and so I don't trip but UNfortunately, I trip at nothing anyway XD

    HAHAHA it's okay, we'll band together in a zombie apocalypse! I've lost faith that we will be able to survive but hey, zombie buddies doesn't sound too bad does it?

    All this talk about food makes me really want to go and stuff my face in all the cake and the sweet stuff I can find right now 😛 And I want to learn Swedish too! I don't know why but it seems so intriguing to learn!

    LOVE this post and a huge congratulations on 500 again! ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Jane the virgin is seriously ❤ you have to watch crazy ex-girlfriend! I'm going to start learning French soon so *fingers crossed* 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Oh you answered all my questions! Yay! You seem like an awesome person. I hope you enjoy your holidays. You do some much book blogging stuff that you totally deserve a break, trust me 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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